The Strenght of my LOVE.......

NO ONE ELSE will ever know the strength of my LOVE FOR YOU. After all, you're THE ONLY ONE who knows what my HEART sounds like from the inside.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, Grant went to Aplin Farms. His Aunt"Key" took off of work to go with him and Presley. He is so funny to listen to. Just writing the previous sentence, I thought of how he says certain words. He called Aplin Farms~ "Apple Barns"~ He calls Jackie "Aunt Key"~ and Presley is Peppie. But, getting back to topic, he painted his pumpkin. I asked him about it, and he said that he put some "holy" on it. I looked at it, and I noticed the spots. I thought he meant HOLE"y" meaning the spots. But, he soon corrected me. He said it was HOLY~because we did not go to church Sunday. We did miss because Reagan was not feeling well, and I was up all night. Boy, he can really make you feel bad. Scott and I just looked at each other. We will be present for church this Sunday for sure.

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