The Strenght of my LOVE.......

NO ONE ELSE will ever know the strength of my LOVE FOR YOU. After all, you're THE ONLY ONE who knows what my HEART sounds like from the inside.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The latest from Dr. Barnes

Well, after surgery, Dr. Barnes informed us that it may not have been ovarian cancer after all. He did remove her ovaries, a portion of her intestines, and he said there was a mass the size and shape of a BRICK in her abdomen. He thought he got about 60-80% of the cancer. We will not know until Friday how aggressive he needs to be with chemotherapy. Thanks again to everyone for your calls and prayers. Prayer obviously works miracles. I know this family is sure due one! Please continue to pray for us.

1 comment:

lindseykennedy said...

That is good news! I hope everything goes well from here. I know this is a stressful time. Keeping you all in my prayers.