The Strenght of my LOVE.......

NO ONE ELSE will ever know the strength of my LOVE FOR YOU. After all, you're THE ONLY ONE who knows what my HEART sounds like from the inside.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Oh So Many Blessings!

Week-end review……. Again already!  So, as always, it was an exciting, fun-filled week-end.  We had several dance party sessions, a dress-up party, and lots of fun with family and friends.  The dress-up party included Little Bo Peep looking for her sheep, a Viking, and a dancing diva mermaid. Moving on to Sunday…. Wardrobe change, then to church… I made Scott take a picture of me with my babies.  I just want them to know I really was a part of the daily events because I AM NEVER IN A PICTURE! I really, really don’t like having my picture taken. 
Home from church, and we hit “GO MODE”.  We have to rush and get ready for lunch at my mom’s house.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME.  ALL in-laws, friends, anyone… we have a great time.  Reagan dressed herself to go to my mom’s.  She felt like a good wool jacket and panties were the perfect option.  I let her wear it (because of being in a rush) but did an additional wardrobe change once we arrived.
I put numerous pictures of everyone eating and having fun.  The kids rode the go-cart and dirt bike.  Reagan loved the swing (note the food on her face), and I love the look Grant gets (with his long growing  out hair) after riding the go-cart. 
Then there is a couple of family pictures with-out Jackie and Joel- Jackie was at the beach for a little bit for Jacob’s soccer tournament, and Joel was in Birmingham. 
Then we have the traditional baseball game…… and……. The dreaded SUPER SAD GOOD-BYES!  They are NEVER FUN!  Reagan cried as she told Uncle Jeff, Alyssa, and the dog- Alex good-bye.
I put a random picture of Colby on his tractor in to note that I am going to TRY to raise a son that can drive a tractor, change a tire, and fix things that may break or tear up.  Colby is an “old soul”.  He is just like the “good-ole boys”.  He can fix anything, and he will make a GREAT husband for a lucky girl one day.  I want Grant’s wife to feel safe in his care.  I think this is something that computers and technology is taking away from us these days.  I like a MAN who can fix things and who is confident. 
The last picture is of Reagan’s school nap mat.  She loves her nap mat.  If it is in her sight, it has to be either on her back (it is made like a back-pack that rolls out) or it is spread out on the floor with her little prissy tale on it.  In the kitchen, in the den, in the hallway…. Where ever she may need it to be.  She loves her ladybug nap mat.
I hope everyone had a wonderful week-end.  Happy Mother’s Day!

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